Thursday 18 October 2012

Audience Profiling


We will begin our opening sequence with our main character walking around a dark forest looking for eight notes. For Neill our main character he will find notes on cars, a building and inside a toilet. We'll use first person and third to show what our character sees as well as his facial expressions of whats happening. The main character will see our villain or monster in certain places and times and for our main character he needs to avoid him. In the end our main character will be caught when changing the batteries in his torch and what he will see is a white screen

Our inspiration came from films such as; 
  • Slender

The purpose of our film will be to entertain the audience, while at the same time keeping them tense and unexpected of what is going to happen next. We will achieve this by maintaing a sense of suspense and tension throughout the whole opening scene. We also want people to keep there full attention to the film so they can get the best out of the film and drift of to a different world.

Inspiration from films

The main idea behind our film, it's the kind of stalker feel we wanted and if you watch the final product you can see bits that can reflect with Slender

Funny games was an interesting one as it all seems normal until we get to the song change at the end which is completely unexpected. This is the same sort of style i want, unexpected.

The sort of typical thriller opening, we wanted to do something like this and not go too off topic with the conventions.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Thursday 11 October 2012

First day of planning

First day of planning with my group, people in my group are:
Alex Davey
Steven Miles
Our initial idea is slender man, we will have a man in the forest collecting eight notes and he will be followed by slender. his torch will run out and he will see slender a lot. we have planned that he will not collect all the notes but instead be caught and the screen will fuzz out.