Thursday 20 December 2012

Reece Report

Some locations we were looking at for our film. This is in Chantry park at about 11am. This setting seems erie and there is usually a lack of people around which makes it the ideal place for us to film. The good thing about Chantry park is that there is a lot of areas which are all different, you have some places like this which is covered with trees but also you have open area which is perfect for the establishing shots.

Thursday 29 November 2012


 All our storyboard pages

Titles Research


The opening to 50/50 starts off with him jogging around a park just doing his daily routine. From the opening sequence you already get a indication of what he’s like and what will happen to him later in the film. The whole opening has one single song playing in the background, this song is very upbeat and happy which contrasts with what happens to him later in the film. The song is briefly paused when he is waiting for the stop sign to turn green which shows how cautious his life is even though there is no cars coming and another jogger runs right past him across the street without looking both ways, later on he turns more into that person and gives up on caring. Most of the scene is filmed with long shot view in mind showing the viewer everything thats going on and to show people how cautious he is and that nothing out of the ordinary is happens. This works well because nearly straight away in the next scene he is diagnosed with cancer which for most people is a complete shock. The director slips in little hints thats somethings wrong because he’s constantly holding is back but most people wouldn’t have expected the bombshell in the next scene.

Green Street

This starts off showing how the rest of the film will carry on, by fighting in streets and tube stations and supporting their favourite team but in a different way. It’s a very simple start with all of them kicking a can around chanting and shouting in the tube, but all is silenced when their rival team is on the opposite side of the tracks. Both groups are shouting defending their team and the director has a camera on the tracks and he uses a wide angle lens to show the distance between both groups. Next thing that happens is words turn to action when both groups are seen fighting on the streets of London and pedestrians are just standing around in shock of whats happening. This contrast to the next bit when the main character Matt is seen at Harvard but then again something wrongs happened and he’s been expelled for taking the heat from someone who was hiding cocaine in his room. He is then sent to England to live with his sister because he has no where else to go. In my opinion the opening sequence is a bit rushed as they get through introducing all main characters and how Matt gets to England a bit too quickly.

Seven Pounds

Starts of with the ending which makes the viewer want to keep watching, he phones up the police and tells them that he’s going to commit suicide which instantly tells the viewer that something bad’s going to to him and you really need to keep watching to find out what happens to him. He is then seen swimming across the ocean talking about how long it took for earth to be made and then how long it took him to ruin his which again tells people to keep watching. His life at the beginning seems pretty good as he has a big house on the beach and so much good stuff in his house. He is then seen having an argument with someone who is selling him meat and he is constantly making fun of the meat seller because of various reason e.g. because he blind, this shows that his life is still good because he has the ability to make fun of other people and at the same time he’s not being judge by other people. The music at the start is very calm and relaxing when he’s swimming in the ocean but when he starts to talk to the meat salesman the music quickly changes and it’s more dramatic and it gets louder throughout showing his anger towards the salesman.

Sound Research

We made this in Soundtrack Pro and we thought it might fit in with the feel and mood we are trying to achieve with this film.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

List of Props, Actors and Costumes

Are film didn't require many props, all we needed was our actors looking normal in everyday clothes. Our antagonist had to be dressed in tracksuits or portray a chav as we're trying to show an evil character a bit more to home.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Audience Profiling


We will begin our opening sequence with our main character walking around a dark forest looking for eight notes. For Neill our main character he will find notes on cars, a building and inside a toilet. We'll use first person and third to show what our character sees as well as his facial expressions of whats happening. The main character will see our villain or monster in certain places and times and for our main character he needs to avoid him. In the end our main character will be caught when changing the batteries in his torch and what he will see is a white screen

Our inspiration came from films such as; 
  • Slender

The purpose of our film will be to entertain the audience, while at the same time keeping them tense and unexpected of what is going to happen next. We will achieve this by maintaing a sense of suspense and tension throughout the whole opening scene. We also want people to keep there full attention to the film so they can get the best out of the film and drift of to a different world.

Inspiration from films

The main idea behind our film, it's the kind of stalker feel we wanted and if you watch the final product you can see bits that can reflect with Slender

Funny games was an interesting one as it all seems normal until we get to the song change at the end which is completely unexpected. This is the same sort of style i want, unexpected.

The sort of typical thriller opening, we wanted to do something like this and not go too off topic with the conventions.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Thursday 11 October 2012

First day of planning

First day of planning with my group, people in my group are:
Alex Davey
Steven Miles
Our initial idea is slender man, we will have a man in the forest collecting eight notes and he will be followed by slender. his torch will run out and he will see slender a lot. we have planned that he will not collect all the notes but instead be caught and the screen will fuzz out.